I've started this blog to document my journey running while balancing motherhood, and eventually if I'm lucky enough, my next pregnancy.

Monday, December 27, 2010

What I Learned This X-Mas

1. It's not all about the present. Every time I asked Pickle what he wanted, he'd tell me he wanted a pair of slippers and to go to Santa's house. Well, the slippers were doable, but Santa's house? I wasn't sure how to create an imaginary home in the North Pole filled with happy elves and a jolly, fat, red man. Needless to say, Pickle didn't get what he really wanted for Christmas. But he did get a few things he really loved-- a doctor's kit and a music playing song book. Below is a picture of Pickle as Dr. Ellis (his pediatrician-- he doesn't want to go by his name. He wants to be like Dr. Ellis) Looking at him reminds me that any holiday is about what's most important, family and love.

2. Morning chores are much easier to do with a large Irish coffee (or several. Again, don't judge me). My husband and I were so busy in the weeks leading up to Christmas that we weren't able to keep up with cleaning (and let's face it; with a toddler, once a room is clean, it is inevitably going to get messy as soon as he blows through). We absolutely HAD to clean on Christmas morning because all my family was coming over for Christmas dinner. While cleaning the pantry a few days prior to Christmas, I noticed we had an obscene amount of Bailey's Irish Cream left from our former pre-Pickle life. And thus, the best new Christmas tradition was born. Cleaning has never been more fun. We jammed out to some good tunes, talked while we shared cleaning the kitchen and living room (yikes... they were scary), and felt warm and toasty. Don't worry. We aren't bad parents. Pickle was with the babysitter WALL-E (I'm kidding... we don't use TV as a babysitter, but he was remarkably chill and enjoying watching his DVD). Don't believe me? Here's proof. And for those of you who know Pickle and are familiar with his activity level, we didn't dose him. Swear. He just happens to be this cool when we really need it.

3. Being with family is what is most important. Christmas Eve is a little stressful. We hop between two places which sometimes causes me to get a little on edge, especially when I haven't had time to run all week. Let's just say it's a miracle I didn't start spitting pea soup at everyone while my head was spinning around. I don't do well when I can't run. But once I had a mimosa and relaxed a little, I had a blast. (I swear I'm not an alcoholic...) Being with the people who I know love me and know me best is the greatest gift I could receive.

4. I know this contradicts what I said earlier, but sometimes it is all about the present. My dad, bro, and hubby all got this hilarious and weird fish from my uncle. It is by far the strangest present any of them has ever received, but it is hilarious. We all couldn't stop laughing at it. Not sure what we're going to do with it though...
5. And... if you do get a bad gift (I know... it's the thought that counts), it could come in handy. I won a Run Like a Mother book from Kelly over at Secrets of a Running Mom for receiving one of the worst and oddest presents ever on a consistent basis. Check out her blog if you are one of the few not already reading it. She is hilarious. Thank you SO much, Kelly!


  1. this is such a cool thing to do. I so enjoy reading about you and the family. so cute he is. love it thanks for doing this.. your Texas Cuz

  2. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas full of gifts (forgetting the weird fish). Nice pictures.


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